1. Know your target audience

Your advert’s content and design will be influenced by your target audience. Clearly identify the audience you would like to market to and create content relevant to their interests.
  1. Grab their attention with a catchy headline!

Your target audience most likely flits through content quickly. To decrease their chances of scrolling straight past your advert, you need to grab their attention. Create a catchy headline using puns, wordplay, questions or any other phrase that will appeal to your audience and make them stop to read your advert.
  1. Use colour

People are visual. Our attention is immediately grabbed by eye-catching, vibrant colours and designs. Add colour and interesting designs to your advert. Be careful not to make your advert too chaotic.
  1. Add a ‘call-to-action’ request

Encourage your target audience to take action. Tell them to ‘book now’ or ‘buy now’.
  1. Use testimonials

Use your adverts to create trust in your service. Add a testimonial or two to create social proof. This increases the likelihood of potential clients using your services or buying your products. People often rely on online reviews to determine whether they will use a business’s services or not. If you enjoyed this blog, click here to view our latest posts.