1. Check the hashtags used by your competition.
Regardless of whether those companies are more popular than yours, spying other similar companies a little can give you ideas about tags that you may not have known how to relate to your brand or you didn´t think of. From these ideas, you can create combinations that express exactly what you are looking for.2. Check the hashtags used by influential people in the industry.
If different celebrities publish content similar to that of your company, you can check the hashtags that worked in their publications. You don´t necessarily have to copy their ideas, but you can simply study them and be willing to learn from them.
3. Consider similar hashtags.
There are tools that help you search for hashtags related to your publication. For example, the hashtags search engine of Postcron, in which you put a word related to your publication and you can get unlimited amount of hashtags on that topic.
4. Use the Instagram finder.
Write a word that is relevant to your brand in the search tag bar. Instagram will give you a list of all the hashtags related to that keyword as well as the number of publications that are tagged on it.But remember: a large number of followers can mean the possibility of reaching more people; however, if a lot of people publish about it, it is possible that your publication gets lost among all the others that are generated under that hashtag.