The directive states that the following categories of services that are deemed safe to resume operations:
- Hairdressing;
- Barbering;
- Nail and toe treatment;
- Facial treatment and make-up;
- Body massage; and
- Tattooing and body piercing.

Formal salons will need to adhere to the following rules:
- Provide a hand sanitising/hand-washing station for customers before they enter the business premises;
- Sanitise/wash hands after handling cash;
- Encourage contactless payment where possible;
- Disinfect common areas before and after use including after serving each customer;
- Sanitize or wash with soap each equipment or tool before and after each use;
- All bottles with products must be wiped down with a 70% alcohol solution after serving each customer and at the end and beginning of each business day;
- Fresh and clean towels must be used for each customer;
- Keep windows/doors open, if possible, to ensure adequate ventilation;
- Arrange adequate PPE for employees;
- Masks must be worn at all times and the stylist must also wear a face shield/ visor that must be cleaned after serving each customer;
- Aprons and gloves should be changed after each client;
- Encourage pre-booking appointments to avoid long queues and waiting period;
- Salons must only allow customers inside if the 1.5 -meter distance can be maintained;
- Employees and owners above the age of 60 or with comorbidities must be discouraged from working;
- Use a booking system for treatment appointment;
- No guests allowed;
- Suspend the provision of all beverage and food amenities for customers.